User Linux

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at
Mon Feb 9 04:31:02 UTC 2004

At 22:04 2/8/2004, you wrote:
>Does the boxed RHPW include a subscription RHN, or is it necessary to
>buy that on the website?

The boxed price for RHPW does include one year of updates through RHN. 
Since that used to be $60/year, getting the manuals and media in a box plus 
the updates for $10 less struck me as one hell of a bargain. The media is 
identical in content to RHEL-WS and, after the year of updates has expired, 
you may renew the subscription to get updates longer by subscribing to the 
RHEL-WS channel.

CAVEAT EMPTOR: It is my firm understanding that renewed subscriptions to 
updates will be at $60/year and NOT at regular RHEL-WS prices ($180/year). 
However, I cannot provide irrefutable evidence of this fact, so you may 
desire further confirmation of it.

>Afaik, in the U.S., anyway, RHN must be renewed every year to get
>updates.  Am I mistaken?
>Is that different in Guatemala, Rodolfo?

I do not believe there is a difference in how they market depending on 
country. And yes, the price of $60 for updates is an annual subscription 
which must be renewed, if my understanding is correct.

>Does RHPW include any server RPMs, such as named, apache, sendmail,

You can check out everything it does and does not contain by checking the 
package listings for WS. However, from memory IIRC, the only "common" 
server RPM packages which were NOT included were named and vsftpd. Apache 
and sendmail are included.

>And finally, is there anyone using it who could help me decide if it's
>worth switching to on my desktops?

Haven't installed it yet. Dunno. Ed Wilts has been using it for a while, 
though, and will likely comment. Also search the archives for "RHPW" and 
"Ed Wilts" since he's had it for a while and posted several comments, 
including a full package list at one point.

However, at this point I know that RHPW == RHEL-WS packaged and priced for 
a SOHO or SMB environment, and I'm /guessing/ that a stable, 
patched-and-updated Linux distro like that is something I am going to want 
to use. <smile> Based on my expected satisfaction, I went ahead and risked 
buying one license. I'll buy the other 20 for the office once I'm actually 
satisfied instead of just expecting to be. <grin>

Rodolfo J. Paiz
rpaiz at

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