User Linux

George Farris farrisg at
Wed Feb 11 18:05:20 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-02-11 at 09:59, Travis Riddle wrote:
> > Certainly these are options too, though I haven't had to recompile my 
> > kernel in year
> <snip>
> You also can't go to your local Computer Store and buy any piece of hardware you want and have a 99% chance of it working first time with the drivers that are included with it.  Windows users can.  Certianly there is hardware that is compatible, and its coming around, but its not there yet.

So really what the heck are you doing on this list.  If you like Windows
so much go to a Windows list and discuss it.  This list is about Fedora,
please move on, there is enough traffic as it is.

George Farris	farrisg at
Malaspina University-College - Cowichan Campus

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