Where do I get info on how a rpm (httpd) is build?

Jay Turner jkt at redhat.com
Wed Feb 11 18:23:57 UTC 2004

On Wed, Feb 11, 2004 at 10:12:48AM -0500, John Imholz wrote:
> >You can always fetch the SRC.RPM package and inspect the spec file. All
> >instructions how the source code should builld and included additional
> >patches are to be found inside this file.
> >
> >Alexander
> Thanks.
> 1.  I guess I must assume that RedHat follows those instructions (and 
> defaults)? Seems like there should be some documentation on what they did, 
> somewhere.
> 2.  BTW what do you use to inspect the srpm (rpm?)

While the .spec file is text in nature, it isn't a set of instructions as
you would normally think of one.  Instead, it's actually a set of
instructions to RPM on how to build and package the particular piece of
software (configure, make, make check, make install.)  So, by looking at
the .spec file for a particular Red Hat supplied package, you can not only
see exactly what steps Red Hat used in order to compile a particular set of
binaries, but you can also make changes to the source code for yourself,
then utilize the Red Hat supplied .spec file in order to build a new
package, with your changes incorporated.

As for what to use to inspect the SRPM, there are a couple of options.
First, you can just install the SRPM package, which will put the source
code and any patches in the /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES directory and the SPEC
file in the /usr/src/redhat/SPECS directory.  Then you can use your
favorite text viewer/editor to view the .spec file.  Or you can install a
tool such as "mc" which understands RPMs and can pull them apart and
display the internals without having to actually install the package

- jkt

Jay Turner, QA Technical Lead      jkt at redhat.com             Red Hat, Inc. 

        Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
                                                   - Albert Einstein

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