Samba SWAT issues...

Markku Kolkka markkukolkka at
Fri Feb 13 22:36:46 UTC 2004

kaze kirjoitti viestissään (lähetysaika perjantai, 13. helmikuuta 2004 23:53):
> [root at ImediaArchive root]# rpm -qi samba-swat-3.0.0-15.i386.rpm
> package samba-swat-3.0.0-15.i386.rpm is not installed

"rpm -q" and "rpm -e" take a _package_ name as their parameter, not a _file_
name. In this case, the package  is called samba-swat and you should try 
"rpm -qi samba-swat" instead.

> Anyway there now is a /etc/xinetd.d/swat, so I went in there
> and changed the disabled to "no"
> Question: is inetd.d the same as xinetd.d?

xinetd is used for the same purpose but it's net the same program and they
use different configuration files.

> In /etc/xinetd.conf I added: "swat stream tcp nowait.400 root
> /usr/local/samba/bin/swat swat" but vi highlights the three
> words swat in yellow..

That's inetd syntax, and it's guaranteed to break xinetd. See /var/log/messages
for the error messages.

	Markku Kolkka
	markku.kolkka at

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