Proxy settings for rpm import

Thiers Botelho thiers at
Mon Feb 16 18:05:43 UTC 2004

Hi all,

I'm trying to sneak past my damn corp proxy, and it seems I have to go 
step-by-step (or app-by-app).

I have already managed to go through with Mozilla (Preferences), and yum 
(export http_proxy), but have lately stumbled on

        rpm --import

Thru Mozilla I can see that the key http address is correct, but above 
command returns

        [root at inf-cpg-c2036-lx root]# rpm --import
        error: import read failed.
        [root at inf-cpg-c2036-lx root]#

Using Menu / Preferences / Network Proxy on Gnome panel I've set (copying 
from Mozilla the settings which work there):

Manual proxy configuration
        HTTP proxy              :  Port: 8002
        Secure HTTP proxy       :  Port: 8002
        FTP proxy               :  Port: 8002
        Socks host              : _NOTHING_

        Box 'details'           : marked 'use authentication' and filled 
in username + password for proxy.

Have logged off from Fedora and on again after updating above settings, to 
no avail.

BTW, I was trying to import  livna's GPG only as a preliminary step, as 
the exact command is readily documented on livna's homepage. As of  now, 
my yum.conf's only entries are  for a Brazilian fedora mirror  (base and 
update branches). I will consider adding and livna AFTER  I've 
managed to first-update all installed packages thru Fedora proper. 

Nevertheless, I'd like to work from the start with 'gpgcheck=1' on all my 
yum repo entries, and intended to go after fedora's GPG after the first 
successful run of 'rpm --import'. Any comments on this ? 

So what I'd need right now would be some pointers (including the most 
obvious ones please) to some docs I should read or any settings I may have 

Oh, and BTW yum seems to work on 'update' (I've already downloaded some 
headers), but of course stops on fedora's missing GPG key.

Thnx all


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