Proxy settings for rpm import

Thiers Botelho thiers at
Tue Feb 17 23:26:13 UTC 2004

And so, on 16 Feb 2004 14:50:50, William Hooper quoted Thiers Botelho and 

|> So what I'd need right now would be some pointers (including the most
|> obvious ones please) to some docs I should read or any settings I may 
|> overlooked.
|Two thoughts:
|1) See if RPM's proxy settings work [See Note 1]

Well they don't. All combinations, with and without name and password on 
proxy URL, wouldn't make RPM get thru.

OTH, yum goes thru nicely, BUT as yum doesn't import keys we step down to 
#2 below.

|2) Download the file using Mozilla, then import the file.

Of course THAT worked, although I expected to use the appropriate proxy 
functionality built into RPM.   :/

But, as I don't use to import GPG keys every day, I won't lose much sleep 
over that.      :)

|[Note 1] - "man rpm" says:
|       rpm allows the following options to be used with http URLs:
|       --httpproxy HOST
|              The host HOST will be used as a proxy server for all http
|              transfers. This option may also be specified by configuring
|              the macro %_httpproxy.
|       --httpport PORT
|              The  TCP PORT number to use for the http connection on the
|              proxy http server instead of the default port. This option
|              may also be specified by configuring the macro %_httpport.

I guess (from Fedora point of view at least) that, as yum can be readily 
and easily used to cover up for rpm's fault on proxies, the rpm upstream 
guys should have higher priority stuff to deal with. That's fine to me 
(and yet it could also be my own fault, but anyway this issue will be over 
for me).

Thnx once again, William.

|William Hooper



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