Turn off Animation

Alexandre Strube surak at casa.surak.eti.br
Wed Feb 18 03:15:49 UTC 2004

Em Ter, 2004-02-17 às 01:49, Marc Schwartz escreveu:
> If you go into Gconf configuration editor, go into apps, then metacity,
> then general. Click "Reduced Resources". I believe that this setting
> will disable animation and the display of window contents while
> dragging/moving, etc.

Yes, this works. And also changes resizing and moving to the horrible
behaviour of twm, putting those awful 9 rectangles to define window
size. And it ignores title bar, so it seems you're always resising
wrong. Disabled it for the time of discovering this. Became so ugly that
I gave up.

Alexandre Ganso 
500 FOUR vermelha - Diretor Steel Goose Moto Group

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