borked my grub boot config and can no longer boot my old kernel

James Drabb JDrabb at
Sun Feb 22 05:00:03 UTC 2004

On Sat, 2004-02-21 at 08:47, Matt wrote:
> Hi
> Just finished installing test1. I left the paritions for FC1
> well alone (hda2 - hda10) and installed test1 from hda11 and above. Upon
> reboot I found that the new grub menu no longer contained my FC1 kernel as
> a boot option. 
> I think it was because I mistakenly (or more like brainlessly!) chose to
> write the test1 grub config to the MBR instead of the first sector?
> So what can I do to get FC1 back on the menu? I booted to the FC1 with
> linux rescue but wasn't sure what do with the grub config to get it back.
> Any words of wisdom would be much appreciated. :-)
> -- 
> Matt

vim|emacs /boot/grub/grub.conf

You can add an entry to FC2-Test1 for FC1 if you want to use the grub
from FC2-Test1.  Or you can boot to FC1 and add an entry to the
grub.conf for FC2-Test1.  If you boot to FC2-Test1, write down the lines
for the FC2-Test1 entry and then just add that to FC1.    When your in
FC1, run grub as root and then you can install FC1 back to your MBR with
the following commands:

root (hd0,1)
setup (hd0)

Replace the (hd0,1) with your /boot partition from FC1.  For example, my
/boot is hda1 so I use root (hd0,0), hda2 is (hd0,1) and so on.  The
setup (hd0) line will install grub into the MBR.

One other tip, if you get to a grub boot menu, you can boot anything you
want.  From the boot menu press the 'e' key and you can edit an entry
and change it.  When you want to boot the changed entry just press the
'b' key.

For example to boot FC1 from your FC2-Test1 boot menu, you would press
'e' on the boot entry and then select the kernel line and press 'e' to
edit that line.  You would then need to change it to correspond to your
FC1 entry and press <ENTER> when your done.  Now press 'b' and you will
boot the modified entry.

Jim Drabb
The box said: "Requires Windows 98/2000/NT/XP or better."
So, I installed LINUX!
James Drabb JR
Senior Programmer Analyst
Davenport, FL USA

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