Giving up on Linux...

Paul paul at
Sun Feb 22 15:53:10 UTC 2004


<snip lots of stuff not responded to>

> > As you know (being a kernel hacker) and as I know (being one part of the
> > Scribus team) debugging is not that simple a task. The problem may be
> > with another application not working correctly rather than anything in
> > your own application/code.
> I have seen the same bugs (SMP system lockup, lockup on shutdown) lie dormant 
> since November aside from "me too" posters.

Can' say I've noticed any such problems in the 2.6 kernels. Or in the
2.4.24 kernels on about 50 odd machines. If you're a kernel hacker, can
you not have a look at them?

<snip lots of other good stuff>

> > Had to disappoint you on this. The three new servers I purchased were
> > all dual Opteron systems using Pink Tie 9. That was before MS even
> > properly had XP64 running. Now if you think that's NOT state of the art,
> > I don't know what is.
> Again, Linux is, at the moment, optimized to get the most performance out of 
> servers, so it would make sense that the servers would work, even cutting 
> edge.

No. The argument you were using was that you needed to use year old
technology, which is daft. My son's box is a dual P4 box, made yesterday
from mobos which only hit the market 2 weeks ago. No problems, running
RH9 using the 2.6.3 kernel.

> Have you tried running X-Windows on those servers and using it for any length 
> of time?

Why would I want to? They're servers.

> >
> > There is also nothing wrong with year old hardware.
> I didn't say there was.  Even though a year is a VERY long time in the 
> computer industry.

No. A year isn't a long time in the computer industry. One thing I think
MS has done a good job on is that it has pushed hardware development
along rapidly. That said, the physical architecture used on the silicon
really hasn't come along since the development of the Pentium processor.

> Year old hardware will do the job.  However, if I wanted 
> to upgrade myself to the latest hot motherboard and processor, based on the 
> experience I have had trying to get Fedora to run, I would be out of luck

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