Giving up on Linux ... NO WAY

Doug Lane douglane at
Tue Feb 24 04:02:44 UTC 2004

I am NOT a computer expert.  I tried RH8 and it recognized everything on
a computer that was several years older.  I said, "Why not on a laptop" 
I threw it on a laptop and bang it runs perfectly.  I really am not any
good with computers, and I was surprised that I was having no problems. 
My confidence was gaining and I tried a new computer with RH9.  Bang -
perfect!  I tried downloading and installing Mplayer - no luck.  Tried
Xine.  No problem!   I had tried swapping an NVidia card with an old
generic SIS - not much luck with Redhat.   I had purchased SuSE 8.2
because I heard it was good.  Nvidia card recognized without any
problem.  Went back to RH9 because it was more stable than SuSE,
installing ATI instead.  Tried Ximian, worked great.  Downloaded
Fedora.  I love it.  Put Suse 9 on my wife's machine, in the process
wiping out a legal copy of Windows XP before backing up.  (Did you know
you don't get discs anymore?!)  She is using it quite easily.

Moral of the story?  A newbie as lame as myself did quite well with
Linux of various flavors on various levels of hardware; even though I
realize i had setbacks, I figured out alternates and other ways around;
and, finally I realized that Linux is worth the work, and is accessible
to everyone.

I can't understand that someone who boasts that they know alot about
computers could say that they had trouble with linux.

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