how to determine kernel version

Ed Gurski ed at
Wed Feb 25 20:14:00 UTC 2004

I've written a script that you can place in /usr/local/bin and execute
each time you want to see what kernel you are using, the uptime and the
kernels installed on your system.

Here it is:

# The purpose of this script is to query which kernel
# is currently running on your system...
# July 25, 2003 by Ed Gurski (ed at
KERNEL="`uname -r`"                             # Get the name of the
current kernel
UPTIME="`uptime`"                               # Determine how long the
system has been running
RPM="`rpm -qa|grep kernel-2|sort`"              # Show all installed
kernels on this system
echo ""
echo $UPTIME|
while read a b c d e f
        echo "As of $a the system has been up for $c days and $e hours"
echo ""
echo "The running kernel is      =====> $KERNEL"
echo ""
echo "The Kernels installed on this system are:"
echo "$RPM"
echo ""

and a sample output would look like this:

As of 15:13:14 the system has been up for 6 days and 2:45, hours
The running kernel is    =====> 2.4.22-1.2174.nptl
The Kernels installed on this system are:


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