Reading Live SMB Files

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at
Fri Feb 27 17:54:57 UTC 2004

Adam Voigt said:
> The whole point is to make this as easy for someone coming over to
> Windows as possible, and if every time someone sits down at a computer,
> I have to open a terminal and manually mount the share, or manually edit
> the fstab for the new user sitting there, it's useless.

You should set up the shares on an nfs server and use autofs.  Then see
how easy it is for the Windows users...

You are comparing apples and oranges.  Sometimes you have to settle for
fruit cocktail.  Unless you get all the apps you want to use to use the
same library as Nautilus (gnome-vfs?) then you have to mount the share. 
Personally I use autofs to mount any SMB shares I need.  You might look
into setting it up with separate mountpoints for the different users (with
separate credentials files of course).

William Hooper

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