up2date - why does it take so long???

Todd Wolcott lionofdharma at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 27 20:59:49 UTC 2004

I am running FC1 on a PIII 733 with 128 MB of ram.   
FC1 runs generally well on my machine, but up2date has
never worked well.  My connection is on the backbone
of a major U.S. research university, so speed is not
an issue.

I just reinstalled FC1 from CD.   Of course, there
were a ton of updates in the Red Hat Network Alert
tool.    When I run up2date, it takes forever.  Most
of the updates are coming at about 10-15k per second. 

I know there are other tools out there to run updates,
like yum, but I want something that is automatic.   I
am the type of linux user that doesn't want to touch a
command line.   I am not in the computer field, I just
have a geek streak in me that is attracted to linux.

1)  Why is up2date so slow?  Is there something to
speed it up, like chances where the updates come from?

2) What tools out there are there to run automatic



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