RedHat, Fedora future?

leam leam at
Thu Feb 5 18:29:26 UTC 2004

> Am Do, den 05.02.2004 schrieb Robin Laing um 16:50:
> > Red Hat or SUSE for the enterprise? Hint: Bet the chameleon
> > <>
> i also wondered (and still wonder) why red hat has given up to compete
> in the desktop-market. but i guess, with lindows, xandros, sun etc.
> also aiming for the corporate desktop, red hat has to invest more into
> usability and polish if they want to stay competitive!

Huh? Sadly, the article is about as clueful as the BBC one about
arsonists and Linux enthusiasts in the same bag for the latest virus.

Red Hat does have a workstation product called, um, "Work Station". Red
Hat uses the same base code for WS, ES, and AS so your developers can
code on a RHEL WS box and put it on a RHEL AS box and it should run.
Yeah, I'll kep the word should. "Seamless" is not a software word.

People seem to be confusing the home user market with the desktop. So
Red Hat gives Fedora away to the home users and sells the WS to the Corp
desktop people who have the money. Thus they have a product for most
every range of potential client.

Trash the article, spend your electrons on something better.



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