Figuring out redhat-config-httpd

Bevan C. Bennett bevan at
Tue Feb 10 17:39:32 UTC 2004

Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:

> Although I can configure httpd.conf by hand, I am deliberately sticking 
> with the redhat-config-httpd tool so that I can test it and provide 
> feedback. Having said that, this is the procedure I have followed with 
> no joy so far; I would appreciate any comments or suggestions as to what 
> I may have done wrong:

I can offer suggestions, but only based on your httpd.conf...
...but perhaps identifying the underlying issues will help identify 
where redhat-config-httpd is and is not doing the correct thing.

>         3. Verified that /etc/host.conf says "order hosts, dns" and 
> verified that there is no DNS server running on this machine.

More importantly, does 'host simpaticus' return

>         4. Set up a name virtual host in redhat-config-httpd pointing to 
> /home/rpaiz/ I can provide details, but honestly 
> don't see where something could possibly be misconfigured. The named 
> vhost is "simpaticus".
> Based on my past experience with Apache, this really ought to be a 
> no-brainer, but then again perhaps the brain is off. Entering 
> "simpaticus" or "simpaticus.localdomain" in the browser URL window 
> always leads to a "Forbidden: You do not have permission to see / on 
> this machine" error. All file permissions are set to 644 and directories 
> are set to 755, with owner rpaiz.rpaiz.

I presume by "all file permissions" you mean 
/home/rpaiz/ and subdirectories.

I'd expect to find the following in your httpd.conf file, based on your 
comments, are these there?

<VirtualHost 127.0.0.l:80>
     DocumentRoot /home/rpaiz/
     ServerName simpaticus
     ServerAlias simpaticus.localhost
     ErrorLog logs/

<Directory /home/rpaiz/>
     Order allow,deny
     Allow from all

The '' may also appear as '*:80'.

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