User Linux

Joel Jaeggli joelja at
Wed Feb 11 17:38:38 UTC 2004

XP home is only liscensed for use with one cpu... got more cpu's on the 
box you need pro. also xp home is missing file-level access control and 
iis which pro has, so it's mostly just a toy...

All of this is wildly silly of course and doesn't belong on the fedora 
list which is about fedora linux not windows xp, redhat personal 
workstation, redhat enterprise, or windows vs linux tco.

There's a couple other places that might be more appropriate for people 
with issues. checkout other redhat lists:

communicate your displeasure about the pricing structure with an account
rep. buy a share and communicate you displeasure to the board about the
direction the company is taking.

This all presumes of course that you desire is to actaully change the 
direction of the company in a postive way, as opposed to just venting.


On Wed, 11 Feb 2004, Rui Miguel Seabra wrote:

> On Wed, 2004-02-11 at 07:51 -0500, James Drabb wrote:
> > First, let me state that I do despise MS, and I am playing devils
> > advocate.  However, let us look at the cost over 5 years for RHPW and MS
> > Windows XP Home.  We need to assume that RH will support RHPW for 5
> > years and not drop support like RH 9.
> > 
> > RHPW year 1: $50
> > RHPW year 2: $60 for updates
> > RHPW year 3: $60 for updates
> > RHPW year 4: $60 for updates
> > RHPW year 5: $60 for updates
> > ----------------------------
> >            $290 over 5 years
> > 
> > MS XP Home year 1: $99
> > MS XP Home year 2: $0
> > MS XP Home year 3: $0
> > MS XP Home year 4: $0
> > MS XP Home year 5: $0
> > ---------------------
> >      $99 over 5 years
> > 
> > Do you see the price difference?
> Your math is wrong.
> Do the prices for
> MS XP Home + Equivalent Developer Tools + Adobe Photoshop + Decent Maths
> program + Complete Office suite + ....
> Just so you make a fair comparison.
> Rui

Joel Jaeggli  	       Unix Consulting 	       joelja at    
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