Apache Died

Jwp live4bacon at optonline.net
Sun Feb 15 18:41:24 UTC 2004

> resolves as ool-182cbe55.dyn.optonline.net and not to
> b-dub.org.

Yes this is the IP address that is assigned to my by optonline my provider
So I assume that is why ool-... comes up in a whois?

> What do you mean with "change my DNS ... for b-dub.org to
> ww2.b-dub.org:9000"? First, you can not define ports in DNS zones,
> second, I do not see any ww2 A PTR entry in your DNS.

Since I use a non-standard port I added a web-forward entry to my DNS so
that whenever someone asks for b-dub.org they are forwarded to
http://ww2.b-dub.org:9000   the actual DNS A record is ww2.b-dub.org

If you dig ww2.b-dub.org you should see that it points to

Sorry about the half-@$$ed explanation earlier

Thanks for you help in this,
Johnny Poston

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