If you were building Linux Mail servers...?(what hardware?)

Pedro Fernandes Macedo webmaster at margo.bijoux.nom.br
Tue Feb 24 15:56:03 UTC 2004

Alexandre Strube wrote:

>Em Ter, 2004-02-24 às 01:51, Pedro Fernandes Macedo escreveu:
>>We're rebuilding the mail system now because our current system is based 
>>on only one machine ( 2.4Ghz P4 with 3 ide disks , 1Gb ram). It's load 
>>is always high , because the disks arent fast enough
>>to feed the imap server and then everything starts to fail... If the 
>>disks were faster , this machine would handle everything fine (it runs 
>>sendmail , spamassassin , UW imap , http and mailman on redhat 9). 
>>Normal load is 4.0 , but it raises to 8.0 during peak hours..
>Oi Pedro,
>how's the memory usage? You can minimize I/O and help those slow hard
>drives just by putting more RAM on it, for cache and buffers..
>Where do you study anyway? Just curious, is nice to know where Fedora is
>being used here in brazil (e não sei porque estou perguntando em inglês,
>deve ser a insônia :-)

Here's a uncommon situation in our current mailserver... Load below 1.0....

 12:51:33  up 2 days, 23:27,  1 user,  load average: 0.27, 0.19, 0.09
101 processes: 100 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:   3.8% user   0.9% system   0.0% nice  11.4% iowait  83.7% idle
Mem:  1035084k av, 1006372k used,   28712k free,       0k shrd,   68100k 
       699292k active,             273556k inactive
Swap: 2008084k av,       0k used, 2008084k free                  785108k 

We tried to add more 512Mb but the RAM is too close to the CPU and it 
got too hot and the system locked...

I study at UFMG.... good university , but hard as hell... If I gave the 
orders , all linux machines would be running fedora right now at DCC ,
but I dont , so someone chose Suse.... So all fedora machines are 
probably going to be reinstalled with suse someday... :(
Btw , probably you asked in english because you thought about the others 
in the list... ;)


Pedro Macedo

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