Proper ettiquette for posting messages

T. Ribbrock emgaron at
Fri Jan 2 20:53:09 UTC 2004

On Fri, Jan 02, 2004 at 12:59:19PM -0700, adunn at wrote:
> Do we really want to get into a decent vs indecent mail client?  David's
> problem is not that he uses Outlook Express, it's that he needs some
> help in configuring it to work the way that he wants.  Outlook Express
> (and Outlook) works just fine, particularly for those of us who aren't
> able to use other clients because of various and sundry reasons.  In my
> case, my employer requires Outlook at work.  But it does work just fine,
> as you can see.

Er, not quite, though I'm not sure whether that was Outhouse's fault:
You left the signature delimiter in your reply ("-- "), causing my mail
program to - rightly - treat your reply as signature, hence deleting it
when I try to reply. Hence, please make sure you do not reply after the
signature delimiter - only the signature should follow after that line.

As for the Outhouse problem: I've seen various lists where people where
told to try something like "quotefix" to fix Outhouse. I think Google
might help, as I never bothered to find out the details (at work, I'm
using Cygwin + mutt, thankfully).


                Thomas Ribbrock 
  "You have to live on the edge of reality - to make your dreams come true!"

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