up2date/ssl error (krb5_cc_get_principal)

Steve Wampler swampler at noao.edu
Mon Jan 5 16:52:34 UTC 2004

Several people have reported problems after upgrading from RH9
to Fedora and having up2date and friends fail because of an
undefined symbol "krb5_cc_get_principal".

I haven't see a solution posted, but my suggestion is to
check /etc/ld.so.conf and make sure /usr/kerberos/lib *isn't*
listed.  The kerberos libraries moved between RH9 and Fedora,
and if /usr/kerberos/lib is searched before /usr/lib, you'll
get the above error.

I hope this helps someone,

Steve Wampler -- swampler at noao.edu
The gods that smiled on your birth are now laughing out loud.

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