Palm sync Memo with gpilotd

Dexter Ang thepoch at
Sun Jan 11 12:36:40 UTC 2004

On Sun, 2004-01-11 at 04:41, James A. Giseburt wrote:
> Hello,
> On Thu, 2004-01-01 at 05:01, Dexter Ang wrote:
> > [snip... me talking about can't sync palm with gpilot, asking for help]
> > 
> > dex
> I had the same problem.  However, after I created a directory in my
> memo_file directory for each Palm category (i.e. Business, Personal,
> etc.) it started to work.  I set the conduit to copy everything from my
> Palm and it was all on my laptop.

I still can't get it to work! I've created all the categories I have,
including "Unfiled", it still doesn't create anything in the
directories. I've also read somewhere that gpilot might have trouble if
there is no .categories file, but it seems that has already been solved.
Although if I do touch a .categories file, the entire gpilot sync just
crashes. Without the dot file, it doesn't create anything in each
category directories. And as with you, i've set the conduit to copy
everything from my palm.

> My current problem is that it doesn't really sync.  If I delete a file
> from my laptop, it doesn't delete the memo from the Palm.  If I change
> something on my laptop, it doesn't change the item on my Palm.  I just
> figured this out last night.  I'm still looking into this issue.  So, I
> don't have all the scenarios figured out yet.

Might this have something to do with, as you've said above, you setting
up the conduit to copy from palm, and not sync?

> Hope this helps!

Still, thanks. Any help is great. I've temporarily using JPilot, just so
I can sync Memos properly. Will probably stick to JPilot, as it seems to
work better.


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