FC1 on the enterprise?

Andre Costa acosta at ar.microlink.com.br
Sun Jan 18 15:11:50 UTC 2004

On Sat, 17 Jan 2004 17:53:57 -0300
Alexandre Strube <surak at surak.eti.br> wrote:

> Em Sáb, 2004-01-17 às 06:36, Res escreveu:
> > Im almost dismayed enough to use slackware desktops, my personal
> > desktop went to fedora as well from 7.3,  the WORST thing i could
> > have ever done. the upgrade f#$ked up, unlike RH upgrades, countless
> > machines from 7.3 to 9 without a glitch, to fedora destroyed
> > everything (yes backups are worth it <G>)
> I cannot say that, at least that bad. Every upgrade I did went ok - in
> fact, the only trouble I had with fedora begun when I updated it - you
> can say anything - my systems looks worse every time I update them.
> Some small examples
> - iptables needs to be restarted just after the boot - it was working
> fine for almost one year.
> - sound modules, the same
> - text-mode logins are gone (putting vga=791 on grub.conf fixed, but
> using a graphical mode)
> - lockups at night
> - sometimes, when gdm (or X) puts monitor in sleeping mode, it will
> not return until I plug its cable off and plug it again (???)
> - red hat graphical boot is gone after a forced reboot
> - other stuff I would not remember on a saturday :-)
> I repeat, NONE of these problems happened on fedora before the
> updates, and all these problems happened on multiple machines, from
> completely different machines.

Hi Alexandre,

thks too for sharing your experience -- scary stories ={ I hope these
posts (yours and Res') help attracting some attention (and hopefully
fixes ;)) to the probls you reported.



Andre Oliveira da Costa

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