john.rehmert at speakeasy.net john.rehmert at speakeasy.net
Tue Jan 20 23:26:36 UTC 2004

--> I realise that "WS" is for "Workstation" but thay also 
--> mention that is 
--> the one to use for clusters so I figured that there must be 
--> some server 
--> aspect to it..
--> As for "ES", Yes I understand its the one to use for departmental 
--> servers but I am trying to cut costs, and I need 3 servers 
--> for our new 
--> business.. ES is just too expensive..
--> Looks like its back to Fedora and trying to manage the 
--> upgarde cycle.. :(
If you're looking for a __very__ cost-effective solution, then WhiteBox
Linux (www.whiteboxlinux.org) should be an option.  It's built from the
SRPMS for RH EL, but - as discussed in another recent post - the updates
cannot be guaranteed.  So you'll have to be willing to take that risk to cut
costs significantly.

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