updates-testing release schedule

ne... akabi at speakeasy.net
Fri Jan 30 13:14:47 UTC 2004

On Jan 29, 2004 at 20:39, William Hooper in a soothing rage wrote:

>Matt H. said:
>> Hi guys
>> What is the release schedule for updates currently in updates testing?
>You probably want to ask on the fedora-test-list, where the people
>releasing the testing packages are.
Aktually fedora-test-list is solely for testers of Fedora Core 
development releases, that is ditribution releases, not updates
etc. The release schedule for updates currently in updates testing
is when the packager decides that the package passes muster or
whatever criteria that is used. Ppl test the packae and report
back to the packager. If there are no problems, the package gets

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