Preparing systems for end-user friendliness : Xine and DVD

Chadley Wilson chadley at
Thu Jan 22 15:52:45 UTC 2004

Just to let you know that I encountered some problems with Xine I would
like to share How I managed to get Xine to work with you.
I hope someone benefits from this.

Distro :FC1
Kernel:-2.4.22-1.2115.nptl on an i686
gcc: 3.3.2

Sources downloaded from
I liked gxine because it blends in with Gnome pretty cool, but you can
download xine-rc3a.tar.gz if you like.

Save these to a folder in your $HOME and use file-roller to extract
them, two folders should now exist gxine-0.3.3 and xine-lib-rc3a

Before you start you need to vi / and insert a line beneath
the last entry "/usr/local/lib" esc and save.
then run "/sbin/ldconfig"
 other wise you will get this error:
xine-lib will be installed to /usr/local/lib
This path is not mentioned among the linker search paths in your
/etc/ This means it is possible that xine-lib will
not be found when you try to compile or run a program using it.
If this happens, you should add /usr/local/lib to
the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH like that:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Alternatively you can add a line "/usr/local/lib"
to your /etc/

cd to the xine-devel-rc3a dir and run 
"./configure && make && make install && make clean"

this takes long so go do something, I went for a smoke in the rain!

then run ldconfig again, I don't know why but trust me I've done 7
systems today.
Then cd to the gxine-0.3.3 dir and repeat as above "./configure && .../
this is quick!

Hopefully you have a dvd drive if so, then simply link the cdrom to the
dvd like this

"ln -s /dev/dvd /dev/cdrom
obviously choose the device numbers when necessary
The run gxine or xine and all is fine, yep I actually did one while
righting this mail.

In the preferences - input  you can replace the dvd device with a
/dev/cdrom or even a path to your dvd 

If you don't select the correct path or device you will get an error
like this:

xine engine failed to start.

No input plugin found.
Maybe the file does not exist, has wrong permissions or
url syntax error

Have lots of fun Chad

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