idiot database flamewars

WipeOut wipe_out at
Sat Jan 31 17:28:10 UTC 2004

Richard Welty wrote:

>could you guys kindly please stop it?
>i'm no fan of M$, and i like postgresql a lot, but face facts here.
>the guy is proposing a major migration of his desktops. no sane
>IT shop would simultaneously migrate an entire database
>infrastructure. what he needs are working ODBC or JDBC
>drivers so the apps on the linux desktops can talk to M$ SQL
>Server, nothing more and nothing less. both options should
>work; he didn't give enough information about his desktop
>App to really suggest which he needed.
>PostgreSQL and MySQL may not even meet the needs of
>said IT shop, none of you have any idea what their schemas
>or SQL look like. i've dabbled in Oracle->PostgreSQL migration
>before, and it can be pretty challenging if certain "features"
>were used by the Oracle developers.
>MS SQL Server-> <some Open Source DB> is likely to be
>every bit as challenging, so it's pretty silly to propose it in
>this case.
>this flame war is a real waste of bandwidth.
>  richard
I agree,

Flame wars of any kind are just pathetic and childish..

Just because system X works well for you does not mean that you need to 
force your choice onto everyone else who uses system Y..

Thats the whole point of the open source world, choice...

I am not saying that people should not express an opinion, I am saying 
that it should be a constructive and helpful addition to the discussion 
with points as to why "you think" a particular solution is better than 
another or the one that they are using..

There will never be a software that is the right solution for everyone.. 
If there was Linux and open source would never have existed, or grown 
like it has and contiunes to do..

Before posting somthing, think!!.. is it helpful or constructive?? if 
the answer is yes go ahead, if the answer is no.. Shut up!!


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