cdrom not unmounting

Paul Pianta pantz at
Thu Jul 1 21:14:09 UTC 2004

Anand Buddhdev wrote:

>On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 05:05:29PM -0400, Paul Pianta wrote:
>>hey people
>>I know this is a common one but I have forgotten it. What is the command 
>>for forcing an umount and ejecting a cdrom that keeps giving the message 
>>'device busy' - even when you know the device is not in use (Fedora Core 1)?
>You must have opened a file on the CDROM using Nautilus, and now
>Gnome's "open recent" feature is holding the file open via fam, the
>file alternation monitor. Fam runs out of xinetd, so restart xinetd
>(service xinetd restart) and you'll be able to unmount the cdrom.

You're my hero - thanks heaps!


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