Bulilding Kernel-2.4.22-1.2194.nptl error

ne... akabi at speakeasy.net
Fri Jul 2 12:43:45 UTC 2004

On Jul 2, 2004 at 16:13, Parameshwara Bhat in a soothing rage wrote:

>Hello friends,
>I wanted to build kernel - for fun,for learning basically - and installed 
>kernel source-2.4.22-1.2194.nptl from freshrpms site through sybnaptic. In 
>my attempt to build it, I faced two problems.
>1. As explained in KERNEL-HOW TO, if I " make mrproper " first step, I 
>can't ' make dep ' after configuration.Appears /include/linux/autoconf.h 
>gets deleted and 'make' complains about no rule to build.
>2. I could overcome above problem by skipping the step. I carefully 
>configured the kernel. This is not my first attempt at it and I understand 
>it a bit. 'make dep ' ' make clean ' went smoothly. At the stage of ' make 
>bzImage ' I invariably see lot of ' undefined reference to xxxx ' errors.
>May be, I made some choices logically inconsistent, not carried 
>throughout.Or could there be something else which went wrong ? I have 
>installed kernel alone as synaptic report all dependencies met.
You need to read the kernel compiling HOWTO so that you know the steps 
to take and it what order. You also need to understand what each step 
does. 'make mrproper' cleans out _all_ your configuration that you 
make in the build tree. So after running that step, you need to 
configure the kernel build. Then do a 'make dep clean bzImage 

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