Traffic shaping... don't understand the instructions!

Kenneth Porter shiva at
Thu Jul 8 16:20:30 UTC 2004

--On Thursday, July 08, 2004 9:49 AM -0600 "Rodolfo J. Paiz" 
<rpaiz at> wrote:

> I know I can run these commands from the command line; but how do I make
> them permanent?

The same way you would for iptables: Write an initscript that restores them 
from a config file. Until then, gather them in a script and invoke them in 

> Where can I find more docs (other than the LARTC guide) to go deeper into
> this?

I only know the LARTC guide. If you need something more, perhaps you could 
be more specific about what's missing, and post to the lartc mailing list. 
(I'm not trying to drive you away from this list. I just think that list 
will have a much better chance of answering your questions.)

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