What is a newbie? (Was Re: Assistance for newbies?)

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at ttlc.net
Thu Jul 8 16:22:49 UTC 2004

Hash: SHA1

It would appear that on Jul 7, Rodolfo J. Paiz did say:

> At 03:06 PM 7/7/2004, Geoffrey Leach wrote:
> > My question to the list is this: When is a newbie no longer a newbie?
> Hmm. Food for thought here... a newbie is no longer a newbie when:
>         1. He/she understands that Linux is in some ways far better than
> Windows and in some ways nowhere near Windows and has chosen to accept that
> (while working to improve it, of course). He/she has a clue as to why those
> differences exist.
>         2. He (the "she" is assumed) can solve some of his own problems by
> reference to /usr/share/doc, Google, LDP, MARC archives, etc.
>         3. He has learned how to seek help effectively on mailing lists, fora,
> or IRC when self-help fails to provide results. This is probably equal parts
> netiquette, smart questions, and common sense plus common courtesy.
>         4. He has managed to successfully accomplish some of his core tasks
> using Linux. That is, Linux is now an actually useful tool to him, not just a
> neat curiosity item.
> How's that for a starter list?

Yikes! I guess I can't hide behind the newbie label then. But I do hope
I'm still permitted to use some of the newbie help resources whenever
my CRS syndrom ( CRS: Can't Remember Sh^Htuff ) makes me forget
something obvious...

Actually I tend to agree with your definition... Though I'd add:

	5. He has started to look for the new (hopefully soon to exist)
	   helpful links and/or monthly reminder to the above described
	   how-to's and or FAQs before posting his questions...

If your definition of a non-newbie applies, then as soon as a newbie
starts to use the helpful things described in this thread then he is no
longer a complete newbie...

So for purposes of the target audience of the helpful resources being
discussed in this thread, I'd have to say I think it's even more
important to target the novices who are not quite newbies any more than
the pure newbie. As the true newbies who haven't begun to do any of the
above, likely haven't learned to care about using this kind of help yet.
But hopefully most of them will soon grow up enough to make use of it,
(at least if it's made real easy to find and use. ) I'd say it's worth a
try anyway.

- -- 
|   ---   ___
|   <0>   <->	   Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|	^		J(tWdy)P
|    ~\___/~	     <<jtwdyp at ttlc.net>>

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