Evolution Signatures

D. D. Brierton darren at dzr-web.com
Fri Jul 9 01:12:15 UTC 2004

Just to follow up on this very briefly. This has come up on the
Evolution mailing list numerous times, and the developers have been
quite clear on their views on this. The "-- " marker is what standards
compliant mailers recognise as the signature divider and how they know
what not to quote when you hit reply. As for putting your signature at
the top, above the quoted text, the trouble with that would be that when
anyone using a conforming mail client replied to your message it would
not only strip your signature but all the quoted text. There are RFCs,
standards, and long established ways of doing things which whatever
habits Microsoft may inculcate in long time users of Outlook etc are not
on for the most of us. Welcome to a world driven by open standards,
where everyone knows what to expect.

Best, Darren

D. D. Brierton            darren at dzr-web.com          www.dzr-web.com
       Trying is the first step towards failure (Homer Simpson)

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