okay to disable lvm? reduces boot delay from dvd drives

Jonathan Rawle jr36 at leicester.ac.uk
Fri Jul 9 14:23:03 UTC 2004

Phil Dybvig wrote:

> it was hung and did a hard reboot).  Setting up verbose logging for lvm
> yielded ``no volume groups found'' so i figured it wasn't doing anything
> and I disabled
> it by renaming /sbin/lvm.static to /sbin/lvm.static.bk.  Then booting has
> been fast and the /dev/hda and /dev/hdb errors from the cd drives
> disappeared.
> All of this is good so far, but I want to ask to make sure that lvm isn't
> something I will need later and do not want to disable.  Also, out of
> curiosity,

Logical volume management allows you to use multiple physical disks as if
they were a single disk. That can make partitioning and system
administration easier, but the downside is that if one disk fails, you can
lose a lot more data than you might have done without LVM. (It also leads
to problems upgrading, as you mentioned).

If you don't use LVM, you don't need it! However, renaming a binary file
can't be the right way to do it! rc.sysinit has a reference to /etc/lvmtab.
If you have this file and don't use LVM, you should delete it as that
determines whether LVM is set up.


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