nvidia-graphics6106 drivers rpm rebuilt for inclusion of x86_64.

Axel Thimm Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
Tue Jul 13 15:40:22 UTC 2004

Well, I could swear that the 6106 driver for x86_64 wasn't there a
couple of days ago, even if it says it was released two weeks ago.

Anyway, this is the first "common" release of the nvidia driver for
both i386 and x86_64, so I merged the src.rpms and rebuilt new rpms
for both archs (otherwise I would have to use release tag tricks to
make the src.rpms for the different archs distinguishable).

I don't have x86_64 hardware with nvidia graphics on it, so I'd
welcome any feedback on the x86_64 drivers. Thanks!

Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
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