up2date and channels

Jim Cornette fc-cornette at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jul 22 02:08:37 UTC 2004

Mark wrote:
> Hi,
> I use up2date and have configured a bunch of channels in /etc/rhn/sources
> This works as long as I don't have conflicting packages in the different
> channels.
> But if I for example have both a mysql and and an fc1 channel with mysql
> rpms, I want to be able to pick which one I want to up2date against. I tried
> the channel parameter, but apparently that one is only used in connection
> with a special up2date feature (I think getting the list of all available
> packages or something), not with a regular up2date run.
> Is there a way to tell up2date to run up2date for a certain package against
> one particular channel?
> Thanks,

In cases where I only want to use certain channels where multiple repos 
would have similar packages. I open as root the 
/etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources file, comment out the offeding channel, then 
save the file. I still leave the file open and change it back, after 
up2date completes retrieving the packages.

open a terminal
enter su -
enter password
type gedit /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources &
wait for gedit to display sources file.
Enter from the root shell gedit was launched,
start up2date packagename and up2date should complete, (if dep errors 
are not present with packages installed etc.)

The best way is to avoid multiple repos containing same packages, but 
conflicting versions. I personally use fedora, fedora extras and livna. 
Being choice is up to the user. Feedback given to the repository 
developers, regarding conflicts, would hopefully reduce conflicts.
I use gedit to edit the sources list for different mirrors mostly.

You could also read up2date info files and help commands for options to 
pass for commandline package retrieval. There is some entry that you can 
see the packages available, but not installed, from typing some 
argument. The last I heard was that at least one program must need 
upgraded for this to display. I never tried the feature. It sounded 
interesting though.


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