OT: Re: lists.php.net

Chris Hewitt fedlist at manordat.demon.co.uk
Sat Jul 24 13:39:20 UTC 2004

John Dangler wrote:

>-----Original Message-----
>From: fedora-list-bounces at redhat.com [mailto:fedora-list-bounces at redhat.com]
>On Behalf Of netmask
>Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 7:41 PM
>To: For users of Fedora Core releases
>Cc: php-cvs-owner at lists.php.net
>Subject: Re: lists.php.net
>>That's odd.. I'm on several PHP.net lists and don't have anything of that
>>happen to me. I'd contact the owner of that list and see what the problem
>>Perhaps just a coincidence?
>Not hardly.  I've gotten about 20 additional since I posted this to fedora,
>along with 5 requests to 'reply to this email to confirm your subscription'
>emails from lists.php.net.  I've also heard from one other person on this
>list who has been trying unsuccessfully to unsubscribe.  I did send a
>message to the 'human owner' of the list (twice), as well as a message to
>php.net web operations to inform them of the problem.  Until it gets
>resolved, I'm steering clear.  I'll try to find an answer to my question
I've been on the php-install list for a year or so and the problem has 
gradually got worse. The best theory I've got from the list owner is 
that it is someone with a MS Windows box with a virus.

Changing over from my dial-up to broadband ISP, I unsubscribed from 
php-install by email this morning and got the confirmation, 
resubscribing under the new address. Is the person with the problem 
using the unsubscribe address given in the original subscription 


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