Solaris command equivalents in Linux

netmask netmask at
Tue Jul 27 21:10:49 UTC 2004

I hope this is what you're looking for..  Most of these could be easily turned 
into shell scripts.. and anything using lsof, you could probably do as a quick 
shell script that directly accesses /proc.

> 1) pargs (Print process arguments, environmental variables, etc)

ps auxwwfe

you can also get env from cat /proc/$PID/environ

> 2) pcred (Display process credentials)

ps -eo pid,user,cmd,cwd,euid,egid,gid,uid,fgid,pgid

etc.. there is probably an easier way.. I'm not sure off hand.

> 3) pfiles (Display open file info)


> 4) pldd (List dynamic libs associated to process)

lsof -p PID

can also look at /proc/$PID/maps

> 5) pwdx (Display current working directory for process)

lsof -p PID|grep cwd
(There is probably an option to only show cwd)

ls -l /proc/$PID/cwd

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