SOLVED: Creating Self-Extracting Windows ZIP files under FC2

Mike McMullen mlm at
Sat Jul 17 00:42:17 UTC 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike McMullen" <mlm at>
To: "For users of Fedora Core releases" <fedora-list at>
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 4:58 PM
Subject: SOLVED: Creating Self-Extracting Windows ZIP files under FC2

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Mike McMullen" <mlm at>
> To: "For users of Fedora Core releases" <fedora-list at>
> Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 2:28 PM
> Subject: OT: Creating Self-Extracting ZIP files under FC2
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I would like to create a zip archive that would be self-extracting
> > under Windows from an FC2 system.
> > 
> > Is this possible? And if so how? I've looked at the man page
> > for zip and see the -A option. I've played around with a test
> > zip file and can't figure out how to get this to go.
> > 
> > Any help appreicated!
> > 
> > Mike
> > 
> Well I know it's poor form to answer your own questions. However...
> If you want to create a Windows self-exracting zip archive under linux
> this is what you do:
> 1) Download
>     to a WIndows-based PC. This is a Windows based Zip archiver.
>     NOTE: This site seems to be very slow. Be prepared to wait.
> 2) Save the executable into a folder of your choice.
> 3) Run the executable. It will extract it's contents into the current
>     folder by default.
> 4) Find the file named "sfx32.dat". This is the self-extracting stub
>     you use to create a Windows GUI self-extracting archive.
> 5) Copy this to your linux system.
> 6) In linux create your zip file as you normally do.
> 7) Concatenate the stub file, "sfx32.dat" and your zip file to an .exe file.
>     Example: cat sfx32.dat > myzip.exe
> 8) Run "zip -A" on the .exe file you just generated. The "-A" tells zip to
>     adjust offsets to the data past the extractor stub. Example:
>     zip -A myzip.exe
>     myzip.exe: adjusting offsets for a preamble of 86038 bytes
> 9) Access the self-extracting archive from Windows and extract your
>     heart out.
> 10) Repeat steps 6-9 as needed.
> What's nice is that this can easily be automated via a script.
> Hope someone besides me finds this useful!
> Mike

I don't know what I was thinking. You don't need to save the wiz502xN.exe to
a Windows PC and extract it there. You can save it on your linux system
and use zip to extract the files. Then you can grab the "sfx32.dat" file.


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