[FC2] Best option for PCMCIA Wireless card

Thomas Molina tmolina at cablespeed.com
Tue Jun 8 10:21:17 UTC 2004

On Tue, 8 Jun 2004, Chris Kloiber wrote:
> > The no socket found message seems independent of whether the card is 
> > inserted or not during boot.  I was not able to configure the card during 
> > install because (big assumption here) of the observed no socket found 
> > noted above.  In order to configure the card and the resulting eth0 I had 
> > to resort to the manual removal of the modules, followed by restarting 
> > pcmcia and inserting the card.  I could then use the GUI to add a new 
> > wireless device as normal.
> Granted I have an x86_64 laptop, but try some or all of the kernel boot
> options: noapic pci=noacpi,usepirqmask or noacpi and see if that allows
> you to boot with the wireless nic. On an 'open' wireless lan (no
> security) my pcmcia orinco_cs will find the network with no
> configuration at all using these options. Using wireless security
> obviously does require running system-config-network.

There is security, but it is unrelated to this problem.  In any case, it 
doesn't even get that far -- the pcmcia system doesn't see any sockets to 
talk to so it never sees the NIC to initialize it.  I tried booting with 
your suggested options; they didn't help.  I still get the no sockets 
found message.

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