fc2 tcl problem?

Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha strange at nsk.no-ip.org
Mon Jun 28 20:43:55 UTC 2004


The following code:

package provide cgi 2.0

namespace eval cgi {

    variable Channel	stdin	;## channel for reading data
    variable Field    		;## variables o CGI communication (array)
    variable Red	0	;## Is data red?
    variable Cookie		;## cookies array
    variable Type		;## Types for eacg CGI variable (array)
    variable Mime text/plain	;## MIME type of last request
    variable BUFFER_SIZE 500000	;## maximum bytes in multipart upload
    variable env		;## environment for executing cgi

    variable TMP /var/tmp	;## directory of temporary files (upload)
    variable TIMEOUT     2000   ;## timeout or reading message (POST)
    variable STEP         100   ;## time between reading attempts (POST)

    namespace export start	;## processes CGI using argument
    namespace export state	;## processes cooies using argument
    namespace export field	;## returns field value
    namespace export cookie	;## returns field value

    namespace export url_encode		;## Encode argument in URL
    namespace export url_edecode	;## Decode argument in URL
    namespace export url_encode_state   ;## Encode state of CGI variables

## Read data from CGI communication
proc cgi::data {} {
    variable env
    variable Red 

    if $Red return

    upvar #0 ::env cgi::env ;# use process environment
    if { [ info exists env(CONTENT_TYPE) ] } { 
	switch -regexp -- $env(CONTENT_TYPE) {
	    multipart/form-data			{ multipart	}
	    application/x-www-form-urlencoded	{ urlencoded	}
	    default				{ urlencoded	}
    } else {
    set Red 1

Causes the error:
2004/06/28 19:18:02 ??: can't create "cgi::env": parent namespace doesn't

when TCL from FC2 (tcl-8.4.5-7) or rawhide (tcl-8.4.6-2) is used, but works
well with the last update to FC1 (tcl-8.3.5-96.0.1).

Can anyone that knows more than I about tcl if this is a bug in tcl
itself, and that I should report it to bugzilla, or if it's a bug in the
application, and give some pointers on how to correct it?

Luciano Rocha

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