Grub Config

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at
Sat Jun 5 17:41:22 UTC 2004

Hash: SHA1

It would appear that on Jun 4, Brant Katkansky did say:

> In the nearly 18 or so years that I've been using vi, I've come
> to love it.  Never really tried Emacs, and I consider a lot of the
> alternative console editors in Linux to be toys by comparison, 
> though I must admit I never really took time to learn them properly.
> Likewise, I haven't found a GUI editor that suited me... Though I 
> must admit I use a GUI primarily as a platform for running xterms.
> > I guess it matters to whether you like to use an electric screwdriver 
> > over a manual screwdriver, in comparison.
> You might find some disagreement over which one was the electric and
> which one was the manual. ;-)
> > The wonders of may alternatives to getting the same results.
> Indeed.

I too never really gave emacs a shot. I had to work at it to learn vi,
then once I discovered vim there was no turning back. In fact about the
only time I ever open a text file with anything else is when I want to
copy long texts to some gui application in one copy/paste. IE composing
something for pasting into some web forums text input box with vim,
spellchecking it with aspell then opening it with kwrite so the file
will scroll when the mouse marking extends past the end of the current
xterm view...   

And as far as which one is the electric screwdriver, there would
definitely be much disagreement about it. But let us not start down the
path that once led to the fabled vi/emacs holy wars shall we. ;)

Linux, it's all about having alternatives.

|   ^^^   ^^^
|   <O>   <O>	   Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|	^		J(tWdy)P
|     \___/	     <<jtwdyp at>>

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