Yum weirdness

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 18 20:21:45 UTC 2004

Dave Roberts said:
>> Do you have multiple mirrors for FC1 Updates configured in
>> /etc/yum.conf?
> Yes, about 5. Are you implying that I'm seeing a sync issue between
> mirrors? Does Yum somehow not pick the same mirror everytime? I had figured
> this was just a case of it trying the first one, then if that's down or
> busy trying the second, etc., etc. Does it just randomize its selection?

man yum.conf
              can  be  either ’roundrobin’ or ’priority’.  roundrobin
              randomly selects a url out of the list of urls to start with
              and proceeds through  each  of them as it encounters a 
              failure contacting the host. priority starts from the first
              baseurl listed and reads  through them sequentially.
              failovermethod defaults to roundrobin if not specified.

William Hooper

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