Directory Permissions

Richy eric1i at
Mon Mar 1 06:49:00 UTC 2004

Youssef Makki wrote:
> This worksforme:
> /dev/hdb1     /mnt/storage1     auto    rw,noexec,uid=500,gid=500 0 0
> It's a fat32 drive.
You can also change the umask option to 000 to make every one can access 
a windows partition.

> On Sat, 2004-02-28 at 14:11, Luis A. La Luz wrote:
>>I know that there is an obvious answer to this but just started using
>>Linux Fedora Core and need help. I have a dual boot system with Linux
>>Fedora and Win XP Home. I have Windows on a NTFS partition but put in a
>>30 gbyte vfat partition on the same 120 gbyte hard drive in order to
>>share files between systems. I have Linux On a 20 gbyte separate drive.
>>I have documents that I want to access and write to from Linux in the
>>vfat partition. I edited the fstab file to mount the vfat  partition
>>with the following line;
>>/dev/hda5	/win		vfat	default		0 0
>>Now when I boot up I can access the documents and read and write as root
>>but as a regular user I can only read. I looked up the chmod command and
>>tried to use it as root to change the permissions to the win directory
>>and also used the chown command to change ownership of the directory.
>>The system won't let me do either, even as root. I also tried to change
>>it fro the console as root but it denied permission. Is it a problem
>>with vfat directories or did i edit the fstab file wrong?
>>I love working with Linux as I am older and remember my days with DOS
>>prompt when learning to use the system was a challenge.

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