Time Sync

John Haxby jch at thehaxbys.co.uk
Tue Mar 2 11:16:28 UTC 2004

Tom Needs a Hat Mitchell wrote:

>On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 02:15:33PM -0500, Christopher Ness wrote:
>>On Mon, 2004-03-01 at 11:09, Phil Hannent wrote:
>>>I also am not bothered about running a time server, just really want it
>>>to sync on boot or every hour would be good enough.
>>You could create a cron job in root and have it run daily.  Here's my
>>cron entry.  This runs every day at noon, to do this hourly change the
>>12 to a *.
>>00 12 * * *  /usr/sbin/ntpdate -u -s -t 20 ntp.cpsc.ucalgary.ca....

It's not clear to me why you would want to do this when configuring ntpd 
is so easy -- just run redhat-config-date and check "enable network time 

If you want time synchronization on a dial-up connection (where you 
aren't connected all the time), then there are ntp alternatives that do 
a good job for that: chrony (http://chrony.sunsite.dk/) for example.   
Just having npdate change the clock periodically isn't all that good -- 
note that ntp (and chrony, I expect) use adjtime(2) to speed up or slow 
down time to keep the clock adjusted.


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