Gnome desktop/windows manager questions

John Thompson JohnThompson at
Wed Mar 3 13:37:26 UTC 2004

I just installed FC1 last week and have never used gnome before.  I'm
having a problem figuring out out to change window-manager type things;
adding items to menus, changing icon spacing on the desktop, that kind
of stuff.  Eg, if I try to add a new item to the main pop-up menu (the
one that appears when you click the red fedora, it fails thus:

	Cannot save menu item to disk
	Details: Error writing file
	'applications:/Games/MoreGames/Armagetron.desktop': Unsupported

Where exactly is it trying to save this?  Digging through the various
"dot" files and directories (particularly .gconf) in my home directory
shows a large number of xml files which I presume are where the
configuration is stored. All are readable and writable by me.  What's
the problem?

I've also tried organizing the panel more to my liking by add drawers
and moving applications into them.  It seems to work, until I log out
and back in again, when I find that the drawers I created are empty.

What am I doing wrong?


-John (JohnThompson at

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