Cable modem help

Jeff Vian jvian10 at
Fri Mar 5 22:15:13 UTC 2004

Srinivasan S wrote:

>I run Fedora Core 1 (on a dual boot with Win 98) .. 
>Recently I attached a cable modem to the m/c and set it up as below :
>Settings on eth0: (local n/w)
>eth0 is connected to the local network and runs Samba and DHCPD (on eth0 only).  Set to a static IP of
>Settings on eth1 : (Motorola 5100 Surfboard cable modem)
>Automatically obtain IP address settings with dhcp
>DHCP Settings : Hostname is empty and Automatically obtain DNS is unchecked and Hardware is bound to the proper MAC address
>When I try to activate the eth1 interface it fails.  An ifconfig on eth1 returns the following output :
>[root at localhost root]# ifconfig eth1
>eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:BA:08:43:4C
>          RX packets:864 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>          TX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
>          RX bytes:65356 (63.8 Kb)  TX bytes:3420 (3.3 Kb)
>          Interrupt:11 Base address:0xc400
><< The same cable connection on Win98 works without any hitches and I get connected>>
>I want to use my Fedora box with the net and hence need help urgently
Some people have talked about the cable modem and the NIC.  However, 
since you dual boot I doubt that is an issue. (I assume there is no 
change in the hardware/cabling in the process of booting to FC.)

On mine it is set for default route and DNS automatically,  Sometimes I 
lose the connection but by power-cycling the modem it fixes that.

Your results from ifconfig show the nic is working, but is not sending 
In my experience if you do NOT have a default route, it often cannot 
effectively communicate even on the local network.

Try setting the config to allow automatic DNS, then do "service network 
restart" and see if anything changes.  You can also do "netstat -r" to 
see if you have a default route set.

This is another thing I fought for a while as well.!!!!!!

*Are you 100% certain which card is eth0 and which is eth1??????*
If they are not what you expect, then it is trying to get a DHCP address 
from your local network instead of the cable modem.

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