Traffic Shaping with WonderShaper

Ow Mun Heng ow.mun.heng at
Fri Mar 12 02:46:06 UTC 2004

Hi All,

	Anyone has any experience in using this? I would like to 
regulate my I-Net connection.

I'm trying to limit/control my bittorrent DLs so that latency while web
surfing is minimal. It's Real Bad when I'm DL'ing.

On a 384/128 ADSL
I've tried UP: 300 and Dn: 80, UP : 500 and Dn : 50 but not much luck.
the 2nd settings seems to have some effect. (in terms of ping)

I tried pinging my nameserver and, latency didn't really
improve as much as I hoped. (based on your README)

baselie ping to nameserver = 21ms Ave
During DL			   = 200ms Ave
With Wondershaper		   = 160ms

I've also tried putting it to NOPRIOSRCPORT=6881-6889

If anyone has any info in this. It'll be much appreciated. 

BTW, using shorewall as firewall front-end.



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