MySQL Version 4

WipeOut wipe_out at
Tue Mar 16 16:25:47 UTC 2004

Leonard den Ottolander wrote:

>Hi WipeOut,
>>>"2. You distribute all identifiable sections of the Derivative Work
>>>which are not derived from the Program"
>>Of course taking a single point out of the text will usually cause some 
>>confusion, the entire text has to be taken as a whole..
>I do understand that MySQL AB wants you to buy a license if you want to 
>distribute your program with mysql (server/client) without releasing it
>under an open source license.
>However I found the concept of a derivative work which is not derived
>from the program interesting enough to discuss. It reminded me a bit of
>another company claiming copyright over work that was just passed via
>their mail servers a while ago.
>I know this is not entirely the same, but although I can understand
>MySQL AB wanting people to buy a license if they distribute their closed
>source program together with mysql I'd wish they would seize making
>ridiculous claims with regard to what is a derived work and what
>comprises distribution of a program.
>They don't need to make such claims to make people need to acquire a
>license if they distribute their closed source program bundled with
>(parts of) mysql. Just the requirement that you can't distribute closed
>source programs bundled with mysql without a payed license should
Yes I see where you are coming from.. Thats what I HATE about 
legal/license type documents, they seem to be written by people who are 
committed to convoluted sentences that in a year they probably will not 
understand themselves..

I guess thats the joy of the modern world..


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