system hangs while using up2date

Merrill Jr. Butterman feather_n_cap at
Thu Mar 18 08:58:37 UTC 2004

Hi everyone in linux land,
because of a recent system crash with my WinXP I
decided just to make a clean sweep and reload both
My question is that there is a how-to-do on changing
mirrors for up2date and wonder if anybody had the link
or actual document. I know the last time I installed
FC1, changing the mirror for updates solved the
problem of up2date failing to work properly. also any
suggestions on some good sites to get rpm's?. I have
tried Red Hat but it seems to be lost in their efforts
to reorganize their help section.
Thanks again.
P.S. A special thanks for the above the call of duty
award goes to guy who pointed me to the light of
asking questions the right way. practice does make
perfect so stay tuned

Merrill A. Butterman Jr.

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