HowTo Disable execution of commands whit ssh and scp/sftp

Dario Lesca d.lesca at
Sat Mar 20 00:40:44 UTC 2004

Il gio, 2004-03-11 alle 21:54, John Haxby ha scritto:
> Dario Lesca wrote:
> >Hi, someone know howto disable the execution of any command via ssh and
> >disable the scp/sftp service?
> >
> >OK; ssh user at host 
> >NO: ssh user at host cat /etc/passwd
> >NO: scp user at host:/etc/passwd /tmp
> >NO: sftp user at host
> >  
> >
> Apart from sftp (which as someone else said), the short answer is "no".
> You can't realistically control all the commands like this.   SELinux 
> might help, but I'm not sure and it's very hard to restrict a user's 
> environment.    Take the password file -- suppose you do prevent a user 
> from just looking at it with cat, less, more, vi, view, emacs, xemacs, 
> joe, jed, pico, dd, etc etc but still have ls work.   "ls -l /home" will 
> give you a fair slice of the password file in a different form.   Type 
> "echo ~<tab><tab>" in the shell and you'll also get a list of users.    
> You could remove global read access from the password file, but you'll 
> be surprised how many things break if you do.   I once had the 
> displeasure of maintaining a program that gave specified users access to 
> a limited set of commands as root.    It had a list of proscribed 
> programs to stop you getting a shell to do what you like unaudited, 
> things like sh, csh, ksh, bash, tcsh and so on.   Of course, it didn't 
> proscribe less, more, vi, view, emacs, xemacs, xterm, hpterm, dxterm 
> etc.   I simply removed the feature in the new version of the program, 
> there's not much worse than having supposed security that is so easy to 
> get around you'd hardly notice it was there.
> However, as someone else suggested.   There is another way.   A chrooted 
> environment (like the one used for anonymous ftp) will lock a user into 
> a limited environment.    The only files that the user can get at are 
> the ones in that chroot'd environment and there's no way to get out, you 
> can't "cd .." from /.   There are some really serious downsides to 
> this.   It's really quite difficult to set up and I'm not even sure that 
> ssh has the right hooks to enforce it ("ssh host ls" runs /bin/ls 
> directly, it doesn't go through a chrooting shell entry in /etc/passwd 
> an I don't recall anything in the sshd config that forces a chroot.    
> You could patch sshd to do it, but it's a measure of the difficulty of 
> getting it to work effectively that it hasn't been done.
> That was a long no.   Although I don't know much about it, I think 
> you're better off looking at SELinux which almost certainly solves the 
> security problems that you actually want to solve even if you don't know 
> what they are -- yet.

For my problem, I have found this solution ... so, for the moment,
SElinux can wait ;-)

The target is assign to normal user the possibility to run a single
command (setup, or another), and only that one!

This is what I have make:

[root at igloo root]# cat /usr/local/bin/
echo $0 $*
export DISPLAY=
exec /usr/bin/setup
[root at igloo root]# chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/
[root at igloo root]# useradd -s /usr/local/bin/ sshuser
[root at igloo root]# passwd sshuser

Now Test all the metod

> >OK; ssh user at host 
[root at igloo root]# ssh sshuser at localhost
sshuser at localhost's password:
You are attempting to run "setup" which requires administrative
privileges, but more information is needed in order to do so.
Password for root:<CTRL C>
Connection to localhost closed.
[root at igloo root]#

Ok, the command run propertly! ...
... via sudo then I can disable the password request ...

Now test other case ... I do not want that these work ....

> >NO: ssh user at host cat /etc/passwd
[root at igloo root]# ssh sshuser at localhost cat /etc/passwd
sshuser at localhost's password:
/usr/local/bin/ -c cat /etc/passwd
[root at igloo root]#

NOT WORK! good!

> >NO: scp user at host:/etc/passwd .
[root at igloo root]# scp sshuser at localhost:/etc/passwd .
sshuser at localhost's password:
/usr/local/bin/ -c scp -f /etc/passwd
[root at igloo root]# ls passwd
ls: passwd: No such file or directory
[root at igloo root]#

NOT WORK! good!

> >NO: sftp user at host
[root at igloo root]# sftp sshuser at localhost
Connecting to localhost...
sshuser at localhost's password:
Received message too long 796226418
[root at igloo root]#

This is all .... some suggest?

Many thank for your attention

Dario Lesca <d.lesca at>

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