Multiple versions installed by rpm

Karl Hakmiller karlh at
Sat Mar 20 06:13:54 UTC 2004

On Friday 19 March 2004 21:25, Bill Bradford wrote:
> When I run apt I get a warning that "There are multiple versions of
> "libxslt" in your system."
> rpm -q libxslt reveals them to be:
> libxslt-1.0.33-2
> IIRC, I installed the at version to support mythtv and/or alsa.
> The more practical question is what do I do about it?  I tried removing
> libxslt-1.0.33-2 but quickly descended into dependency hell with
> Failed dependencies:
> is needed by (installed)
> php-domxml-4.3.4-1.1
>         libxslt = 1.0.33 is needed by (installed) libxslt-devel-1.0.33-2
>         libxslt = 1.0.33 is needed by (installed)
> libxslt-python-1.0.33-2
> I don't want to force the removal and break some other package.  I don't
> want to remove the at version and break mythtv (or whatever I installed
> it for).  Is there an apt-like tool that removes packages while
> respecting their dependencies?  Any advice appreciated.

You can remove duplicate installations with the following commands from the 

rpm -qa | grep ibxslt-python | sort

This will list all installs sharing this <namestem> and its 
dependencies in sorted order.  

You'll want to uninstall the older (or oldest and then older) of each in this 
listing.  Use the following command for each that is to be uninstalled:

rpm -e <fullname>

If the system warns that a particular bit is required by something you want
to keep, there's probably no harm done by leaving it alone as in the case of 
lib files and such.

After you've done this sort of surgical uninstall, only the essential bits 
will be left installed.  

Karl L
Email: karlh at
          Linux Lives!

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